Sunday, April 24, 2011

Bust an Infertility Myth Blog Challenge

 National Infertility Awareness Week® (NIAW):

Myth: IVF is the only treatment option for unexplained infertility.

How this has affected my life: 
IVF has become so  popular that it has become common to see it on the cover of magazines, discussed on talk shows, displayed on reality shows etc.  When I speak to others about my infertility struggles, they always ask me if I have done IVF. When I  tell them that I am not doing it,  they do not understand, becuase they know plenty of people who have done it. I feel like I am back in middle school with all the peer pressure to do something I do not want to do. This is the only treatment that gets lots of press, but it is not the only one. I was also affected by this because when I first had problems, I did not know the other options that were out there. My RE told me that I had unexplained infertility and IVF was my only option. I kept searching the internet and found other doctors. I now have been diagnosed with Endometriosis, LUFS, and elevated natural killer cells.
I created this blog post to educate others about their options.

Some Alternatives:

*Reproductive Endocrinologist.
Endocrinology is the study of hormones. A reproductive endocrinologist or RE, is an OB/GYN who completed a 3 year fellowship in the area of infertility.  Most people think that an RE only does IVF.  REs can  run diagnostic tests. They also prescribe medication to stimulate ovulation such as clomid, femara, or injectable medication. When you research what a RE does, it says the main function is to treat infertility by evaluation and treating hormonal dysfunctions, but it does not mention IVF.  

* NaPro Technology
This type of dr will run tests and diagnose your problem. Some of the tests are the same that an RE will run and some are different. This program addresses both hormones and internal physical structures. Surgery is an important part of the diagnostic process. Once the dr makes the diagnosis, he will create an individualized plan to treat it.  What makes this program special is that the goal is to fix the problem and not bypass it. NaPro trained surgeons are highly specialized in repairing reproductive organs. Examples of treatable conditions are endometriosis, PCOS, and Thyroid.
Napro Technology FAQ 

*Reproductive Immunologist
This type of dr will run blood tests to check your immune system. There is now a lot of research showing the link between the immune system and the reproductive system. Sometimes everything seems normal, but your immune system is out of balance.
Yahoo Reproductive Immunology Support Forum
More information


  1. Thank you so much for this post! I have never heard of NaPro before now, but I am going to look into it! Thank you for alerting me to this option!

    (Here from the Resolve NIAW Bust a Myth page)

  2. Just reading down the line on the Resolve website too! THANK YOU for busting this myth! As someone who is currently using the Creighton Model System and being treated through NaProTechnology....I no longer feel alone in not choosing IUI, or IVF as treatment options!

  3. You might add changing diet related to food sensitivities, etc, as others I know do this as well, but aas you said, no personal experience. I like the angle you are taking on this! i know it will educate those that don't expect they need educating :)!

  4. Thank you so much for posting this! When people find out I am diagnosed as infertile their first suggestion is IVF followed by adoption. What?!? First of all I'm still diagnosing and am no where near those steps. And second of all I don't have $10,000+ laying around. Great post!

  5. Thank you for this information (and blog)! I think it may help many couples!

  6. There are so many options for us out there, but if a movie star isn't doing it... nobody knows about it. Thanks so much for sharing this!

  7. Willingness is the main key to achieve all great milestone and one should not lose hope and take it as a challenge until one day you get it achieved.

  8. Yes this is a good treatment and most couples can get benefit from it in their lives.


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