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Monday, March 21, 2011

One Week Down, One More to Go

So here I am again. The half way point of the 2WW. This is the first time in a long time that I actually have hope that it might work. I am now getting nervous and starting to doubt myself. I got my p+7 blood results today. Not bad, but not great. My Estrogen was 39 and my progesterone was 3.6 The good news is that my estrogen came down. There were months in the past where it was near 300 which was a sign that I did not rupture. I saw the US so I know that I ruptured this time on my own and a low score like 39 means a rupture also. I was hoping that my progesterone would be higher. It went up which is a good sign, but I thought it would be better. I have been taking supplements so I am not worried about the low level. I did not take it last night bc I had my test today. I took one this morning after my test. It is hard bc I have no idea if the intralipids worked or not. I am not going to get my NK level retested until the end of the cycle.
I have one more week to wait. When you try something new for the first time, the 2ww is tough.


  1. I am praying for you!! I understand what you mean about trying something new and hoping for + results!!!

  2. Praying!! you are so amazing in creating this blog to maintain us informed regarding Napro that I cannot help but keep you most specially in my prayers.

  3. Martha: You are too kind. Thank you!


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