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Friday, June 25, 2010

June 2010

So far everything seems to be going normal. At the start of my cycle I had no TEBB. This is great! I didn't have it for the first time ever, last month and that was due to taking antibiotics. So I was glad to see that it did not return without them. Again, I am not taking any ovulation drugs this month. I went in for follie check on CD9. The follie was looking great. I went back on CD12 and it was gone...The Dr called me and explained that it might have been too early and that it was not really the dominant one. I went back on CD15 and a new one was already mature so I took the ovidrel. I started taking the prometrium P+3. I went in for the us, and the follie was still there but she said it was hemorrhagic which means it was in the process of ovulation. (I did not take the prometrium the night before my blood test.) My p+7 blood work came back P:13 and E:333.
Well it was a BFN. =(  
On the bright side I made it to P+14 which is great since I used to have short post peak phases. My peak day is now CD 16. It used to be around cd 22 and now it seems to be regulating. So I am hoping that these are good signs that the surgery worked and my ovaries are starting to work properly.  It is hard to remain hopeful and patient after 3 years. I have been doing Napro for 8 months.Even though I am crushed, I try to remind myself that this was only the second attempt after surgery.

1 comment:

  1. So great that you had no TEBB! Hopeful this is a great cycle for you :) What is ovidrel?


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