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Tuesday, June 21, 2011

End of the School Year

It is the last week of school. If you didn't know, I am a 6th grade teacher. I teach two groups of kids, so I have 45 students. The end of the year brings mixed emotions. On the one hand, you are glad to see your students ready  to go the next grade level. You are also glad to get a break from all the work you do all day and after hours. It gets so hot in June that it makes us all crazy and not want to do any work.On the other, it is sad to see them go. There are always a few that drive you crazy and some that hold a special place in your heart.  Being a teacher gives me a purpose.I imagine that being a teacher is very similar to being a parent. I spend time with them, care about them, teach them skills, and shape their moral values. Sometimes we get to do fun activities and sometimes I have to discipline them. I only get to share them for one year. Their parents get them forever.

Now that the summer is here, I am glad to have the much needed time off, but I also dread the empty feeling that comes with it. I always had the plan of having the summers off to spend time with my kids. The summer is just another dose of salt in my infertility wounds. I have been feeling down the past few days. The reality of my sad situation has been creeping in. I tried to remain positive- I made a  list of some progress I have made and some new things I have not tried, but today I am unable to fight the sadness.

When I came home, I received a nice email that was perfectly timed.  A women who reads my blog named M said that she had success after 3 years of napro. She said she might share her story for my blog. It brought a big smile to my face. M, if you are reading this.... thank you for the kinds words today. I really needed them. Please send me your story when you can. You give me inspiration. I have been ttc for 4 long years but only doing napro for 1.5 years. So there may be some hope left for me.

I will be okay. I wrote my DH and he wrote me back a list of things to be happy about. There will be more time for fun, relaxation, and those projects I never have time to do.  I am really bad at not doing anything with photos. I still have a year's worth on my camera. My goal this summer is to organize them, put them into books, and hang some up on the wall. I will also be doing summer school which is half days, 4 times a week. It is great money and it will give me a reason to get out of bed in the morning. I have some other hobbies to get into like my garden and some sewing projects.

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